Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Conjunction Junction, What's Your Dysfunction??

Man I am sure having a minor meltdown over here over the Things That Might Go Wrong over the next 12 days. I can't find my copy of R's credit card with my name on it that I rented my car in.. I can't find my amex, the only other card I haven't cut up in my overzealous attempts to stop living above our immediate means. They don't accept a debit card to hold it, they don't accept someone else's card, cash is useless. Oy vey gevault! My name is on the credit card account but I don't know if that's gonna fly in Boston... OMG what if I get stuck in Boston and I don't even have my laptop because my idiot ass never bought a proper laptop case... OMG... My stomach feels funky and I am so very anxiety ridden. I have been working on my maid of honor speech.... in my head... On paper, I've got zilch. At least I brought my flash drive. It's the next best thing to having my own puter I suppose. Wishing I had an Iphone and being jealous of R, esp because he doesn't even know how to use the internet... Maybe I should be looking for my copy of that credit card instead of blogging about how stressed I am?? That's a thought....


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