Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sarah Cohen Goldstein from MidBeach - JAPerickelah for VP!

In yesterday's festivities and barrage of news coverage, a statistic caught my eye. It claimed that 95% of voting African Americans voted for Obama. All I could think about was the other 5%. I thought to myself, if a Jew was running for Pres or VP, it would be 100%. Then three terrifying words popped into my head. "Sarah Palin 2012."

I tried to think of the Jewish equivelent of Sarah, which is in the header. The thing is, sex and the beach already did it in video as a Cuban drug dealer Mom, Sarah Gonzalez (Here's Why) and with appropriate timing... Oh well..

Anyway, Sarah Cohen Goldstein is just another Cushman Mom in Dior at Epicure. Foreign policy, Hello she lives in My AAAAAhh Meeee? And her baby nurse is from Sweden. Her housekeeper is from Honduras. Her pool guy is Cuban. Her gardener is Mexican. Oy, her house is practically the U.N.!! She can take the heat too, literally, since she has to wear long skirts and long sleeves all the time. Spending? Maverick, Schmaverick, JAPerickelah... Sarah Cohen Goldstein will get a better deal!

So the question is, not to compare the president elect with Sarah Palin, but maybe to some African Americans( that 5%) his ideas rubbed them as wrong as her voice rubbed most of America?? Or is this five percent the SuperRichRepublicanElite? Is this five percent motivated by nothing but the fear of the phrase "Tax increases for the very wealthy?" I don't know, but I sure am curious.

And I wonder, would the Jewish community and religious leaders and the "ahem" Liberal Media Elite ( which are all Jews) urge us to vote for Sarah just because she is Jewish? Did that happen in the African American community? My friend Hansel who spent some time volunteering for Obama happens to think the NAACP comes and takes you away if you didn't vote for Obama. Since he is African American, he is allowed to say things like that, just like I can say that most Jewish women complain a lot.

Either way, I'll be watching for the SWAT teams.